How Small Businesses Can Approach Workforce Technology Modernization

Technology plays a pivotal role in driving efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. For small businesses, workforce technology modernization is both an opportunity and a challenge.

Embracing modern technology can empower small businesses. It can help them thrive in a digital era. Yet many of them don’t keep up with modernization. For example, over 30% of small businesses haven’t upgraded systems in 4+ years.

Some of the reasons SMBs don’t upgrade their tech include:

  • Limited funding
  • Unsure how to modernize technology
  • Stuck in the “old way is fine” mentality

The benefits of upgrading technology are many. One study found the following. That 45% of businesses modernizing tech saw improved ROI for IT investments. Other important benefits include improved employee retention and decreased cybersecurity risk. Not to mention the productivity and time-saving advantages.

Is your small business looking to modernize its workforce technology? Here are some steps to get you started.

Assess Your Current Technology Landscape

The first step in any technology modernization initiative is to conduct an assessment. You need to fully understand your current technological infrastructure. Identify existing strengths and weaknesses. As well as outdated systems and areas where technology could enhance business processes. Understanding your starting point is crucial. It helps in developing a targeted and effective modernization strategy.

Align Technology Goals with Business Objectives

Technology should not be an isolated component. But rather, a strategic enabler aligned with your business goals. Clearly define how technology can support and enhance your business objectives. Whether it’s improving customer engagement. Or streamlining internal processes and expanding market reach. Ensure that your technology modernization efforts align with your overarching business vision.

Focus on Cloud Adoption

The cloud has emerged as a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. Embracing cloud technologies can offer small businesses several benefits. These include scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Consider migrating key applications and data to cloud platforms. This can enhance accessibility, collaboration, and data security. Cloud solutions can also simplify software updates and maintenance. This frees up resources for other strategic initiatives.

Invest in Collaborative Tools

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for small businesses. Invest in collaborative tools and platforms. These ease seamless interaction among team members, regardless of their physical location. Examples are video conferencing, project management, and document-sharing tools. These tools can enhance teamwork and productivity. This fosters a cohesive work environment even in remote or hybrid setups.

Look at Cybersecurity Measures

There is an increasing prevalence of cyber threats. So, cybersecurity should be a top priority for small businesses undergoing technology modernization. Put in place robust cybersecurity measures. Focus on protecting sensitive data and customer information. As well as your critical business assets.

Cybersecurity measures include:

  • Firewalls
  • Antivirus software
  • Regular security updates
  • Employee training
  • Threat identification & response

Embrace Mobile-Friendly Solutions

In a world where mobility is paramount, adopting mobile-friendly solutions is key. Ensure that you’ve optimized business applications and platforms for mobile use. This allows employees to work efficiently from various devices. This enhances flexibility. It also accommodates the evolving expectations of the workforce. Employees value the ability to work on the go.

Look at Remote Work Options

The global shift towards remote work has accelerated. Small businesses should prepare to embrace flexible work arrangements. Modernize your technology infrastructure to support remote work options. These provide employees with the tools and connectivity they need. As well as helping them maintain productivity outside of the traditional office environment.

Consider Automation for Efficiency

Automation can significantly improve operational efficiency for small businesses. Identify repetitive, time-consuming tasks. These can often be automated to streamline workflows. Look at things like customer service chatbots and automated invoicing systems. Embracing automation can free up valuable human resources. As well as reduce the risk of errors in routine tasks.

Provide Ongoing Training and Support

Introducing new technologies requires commitment. A commitment to ongoing training and support for your workforce. Ensure that employees have the necessary skills to leverage the new tools effectively. This may involve providing training sessions. As well as creating user-friendly guides. And offering a support system to address any issues that may arise during the transition.

Watch and Adapt to Evolving Technologies

Technology is a dynamic field. Staying ahead requires a commitment to watching and adapting to emerging trends. Regularly assess the technology landscape. Work with your IT provider. We’ll help you identify new solutions that could benefit your business. A proactive approach to staying current ensures your small business remains competitive.

Need Help Upgrading Your Workforce Technology?

Workforce technology modernization is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It’s a strategic journey that requires careful planning. As well as alignment with business objectives. By embracing these practical strategies, small businesses can leverage technology. And use it to enhance their operational capabilities. They also position themselves for sustained success in the digital age.

Need help with workforce technology modernization? Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

Internal threats: A new angle to email security

Internal threats: A new angle to email security

You know how important your email system is to your business. Not only is email your core communication tool, but also bears a lot of weight from the legal perspective and must be accessible at all times. You have a good email security system and also ensure your emails are always backed up, archived and stored safely. But what about keeping your email system safe from threats within your organization?

When it comes to email security, an oft-ignored, yet interesting angle to look into is–how to protect your email system from internal threats, like malicious intent of your own employees. There is the possibility that somebody who works for you could choose to corrupt your email system on purpose. You can avoid such instances from happening by constantly monitoring your employee’s IT behavior. You can do this by installing software programs that work to track employee access and activities related to access and sends alerts in case of unusual IT behavior. Examples of unusual IT behavior includes employees logging into work email at a time or day they are not expected to, sending attachments to email addresses that are outside of your organizational network, etc. Also invest in CCTV cameras and biometric access if you can. That will also serve as a deterrent to malicious employees.

Email is the most critical communication tool for your business, but it also has the potential to serve as an easy, backdoor entry for cybercriminals into your organization’s IT systems. When it comes to cybercrime, email is also one of the most commonly targeted elements. An email hack has the potential to translate into data leak, compromise sensitive vendor and client data leaving you vulnerable to lawsuits or install malware that can paralyze your business functions entirely.

If you don’t have the time to look into the security of your email system, consider seeking assistance from a MSP. They will be able to review your business requirement and suggest the right email security tool for you. They can also help you draft a sound IT policy if you don’t already have one and also conduct employee training and drills from the security perspective.

Need to Show the Tangible Value of Cybersecurity? Here’s How

You cannot overstate the importance of cybersecurity. Especially in an era dominated by digital advancements. Businesses and organizations are increasingly reliant on technology to drive operations. This makes them more susceptible to cyber threats.

66% of small businesses are concerned about cybersecurity risk. Forty-seven percent lack the understanding to protect themselves. This leaves them vulnerable to the high cost of an attack.

Conveying the tangible value of cybersecurity initiatives to decision-makers can be challenging. The need for protection is clear, but executives want hard data to back up spending.

We’ll explore strategies to effectively show the concrete benefits of cybersecurity measures. These can help you make the case for stronger measures at your company. As well as help you understand how your investments return value.

How to Show the Monetary Benefits of Cybersecurity Measures

Why does demonstrating the monetary value of digital security measures pose a challenge? The benefits of cybersecurity are often indirect and preventive in nature. This differs from tangible assets with direct revenue-generating capabilities.

Investments in robust cybersecurity protocols and technologies are akin to insurance policies. They aim to mitigate potential risks rather than generate immediate financial returns. Quantifying the exact monetary value of avoided breaches or data loss can be elusive. These potential costs are hypothetical. They’re also contingent on the success of the cybersecurity measures in place.

Additionally, success is often measured by incidents that do not occur. This complicates efforts to attribute a clear monetary value. As a result, companies grapple with finding certain metrics. Ones that effectively communicate this economic impact.

Below are several ways to translate successful cybersecurity measures into tangible value.

1. Quantifying Risk Reduction

What’s one of the most compelling ways to showcase the value of cybersecurity? It’s by quantifying the risk reduction. Companies design cybersecurity initiatives to mitigate potential threats. By analyzing historical data and threat intelligence, organizations can provide concrete evidence. Evidence of how these measures have reduced the likelihood and impact of incidents.

2. Measuring Incident Response Time

The ability to respond swiftly to a cyber incident is crucial in minimizing damage. Metrics that highlight incident response time can serve as a key indicator. They can illustrate the effectiveness of cybersecurity efforts.

It’s also possible to estimate downtime costs. And then correlate those to a reduction in the time it takes to detect and respond to a security incident. This demonstrates potential savings based on faster response.

The average cost of downtime according to Pingdom is as follows:

  • Up to $427 per minute (Small Business)
  • Up to $16,000 per minute (Large Business)

3. Financial Impact Analysis

Cybersecurity incidents can have significant financial implications. Businesses can quantify the potential losses averted due to cybersecurity measures. Businesses do this by conducting a thorough financial impact analysis.

This can include costs associated:

  • Downtime
  • Data breaches
  • Legal consequences
  • Reputational damage

4. Monitoring Compliance Metrics

Many industries have regulatory requirements for data protection and cybersecurity. Demonstrating compliance with these regulations avoids legal consequences. It also showcases a commitment to safeguarding sensitive information. Track and report on compliance metrics. This can be another tangible way to exhibit the value of cybersecurity initiatives.

5. Employee Training Effectiveness

Human error remains a significant factor in cybersecurity incidents. Use metrics related to the effectiveness of employee training programs. This can shed light on how well the company has prepared its workforce. Prepared it to recognize and respond to potential threats. A well-trained workforce contributes directly to the company’s cybersecurity defenses.

6. User Awareness Metrics

Beyond training effectiveness, there are user awareness metrics. These gauge how well employees understand and adhere to cybersecurity policies. Use metrics such as the number of reported phishing attempts. As well as password changes and adherence to security protocols. These metrics provide insights into the human element of cybersecurity.

7. Technology ROI

Investing in advanced cybersecurity technologies is a common practice. Showcasing the return on investment (ROI) can be a powerful way to show value. Use metrics that assess the effectiveness of security technologies. Specifically, in preventing or mitigating incidents. Such as the number of blocked threats. This can highlight the tangible benefits.

8. Data Protection Metrics

For organizations handling sensitive data, metrics related to data protection are paramount. This includes monitoring the number of data breaches prevented. As well as data loss incidents and the efficacy of encryption measures. Show a strong track record in protecting sensitive information. This adds tangible value to cybersecurity initiatives.

9. Vendor Risk Management Metrics

Many organizations rely on third-party vendors for various services. Assessing and managing the cybersecurity risks associated with these vendors is crucial. Metrics related to vendor risk management showcase a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. Such as the number of security assessments conducted. Or improvements in vendor security postures.

Schedule a Cybersecurity Assessment Today

Demonstrating the tangible value of cybersecurity starts with an assessment. One that uncovers the status of your current security measures. Knowledge is power when fostering a culture of security and resilience.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

What to look for an email security solution

What to look for an email security solution

An important aspect to email security is, of course, deploying a good email security solution. But, with so many available in the market, what should you be looking for when opting for an email security tool? Here are some key features you would want in your email security solution.

  • Encryption: Let’s start with the worst-case scenario. Your corporate email server is hacked. By opting for an email security solution that offers data encryption, you can ensure that the thieves are never able to read the data they stole. Data encryption is basically coding of data in a different format when it is sent and decoding it once it reaches the recipient. Without decryption keys, no one in the middle will be able to make sense of the data they access.
  • Ditch the server-based email system: In server based email systems–the kind supported by most older versions of email software (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc), the emails are stored on servers and transmitted every time the email software establishes connection with them.The newer, web-based systems offer additional security.
  • Strong filters: Make sure your email security tool has strong filtering capabilities to keep spam and malicious emails out of your inbox. Training employees to identify spam and fraudulent emails is good, but getting an email security software that keeps most of them away is even better!
  • Intelligence: When looking for an email security software, consider its artificial intelligence. According to Biztech, a leading business technology news magazine, newer anti-malware rely less on signatures of known malicious content and instead uses threat intelligence, reputation services and other near-real-time sources to pinpoint the location of threats — domains and IP and email addresses, for example to alert IT teams. Cybercriminals are getting smarter by the day, and always innovating, looking for ways to get around the anti-malwares existing in the market. You need an email security solution that can keep up with them.

The critical role played by email in your business environment and its vulnerability make it imperative that you deploy strong security solutions for your email. Reach out to a credible MSP to learn more about how you can keep your email system clean and safe.

Top Data Breaches of 2023: Numbers Hit an All-Time High

The battle against cyber threats is an ongoing challenge. Unfortunately, 2023 has proven to be a watershed year for data breaches. Data compromises have surged to an all-time high in the U.S. This is based on data from the first 9 months of the year. Meaning that numbers will only end up higher for the year.

The last data breach record was set in 2021. That year, 1,862 organizations reported data compromises. Through September of 2023, that number was already over 2,100.

In Q3 of 2023, the top data compromises were:

  • HCA Healthcare
  • Maximus
  • The Freecycle Network
  • IBM Consulting
  • CareSource
  • Duolingo
  • Tampa General Hospital
  • PH Tech

This data underscores the relentless efforts of cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities. As well as access sensitive information. Let’s take a look at the main drivers of this increase. And the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures.

1. The Size of the Surge

The numbers are staggering. Data breaches in 2023 have reached unprecedented levels. They’ve increased significantly compared to previous years. The scale and frequency of these incidents is concerning. They emphasize the evolving sophistication of cyber threats. As well as the challenges organizations face in safeguarding their digital assets.

2. Healthcare Sector Under Siege

One of the most disturbing trends is the escalating number of breaches in healthcare. Healthcare organizations are the custodians of highly sensitive patient information. As a result, they’ve become prime targets for cybercriminals. The breaches jeopardize patient privacy. They also pose serious risks to the integrity of medical records. This creates a ripple effect that can have long-lasting consequences.

3. Ransomware Reigns Supreme

Ransomware attacks continue to dominate the cybersecurity landscape. Cybercriminals are not merely after data. They are wielding the threat of encrypting valuable information. Then demanding ransom payments for its release. The sophistication of ransomware attacks has increased. Threat actors are employing advanced tactics to infiltrate networks and encrypt data. They are also using many different methods to extort organizations for financial gain.

4. Supply Chain Vulnerabilities Exposed

Modern business ecosystems have an interconnected nature. This has made supply chains a focal point for cyberattacks. The compromise of a single entity within the supply chain can have cascading effects. It can impact several organizations downstream. Cybercriminals are exploiting these interdependencies. They use vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to a network of interconnected businesses.

5. Emergence of Insider Threats

External threats remain a significant concern. But the rise of insider threats is adding a layer of complexity. It’s added to the already complex cybersecurity landscape. Insiders inadvertently contribute to data breaches. Whether through malicious intent or unwitting negligence. Organizations are now grappling with a challenge. They need to distinguish between legitimate user activities and potential insider threats.

6. IoT Devices as Entry Points

The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has expanded the attack surface. There’s been an uptick in data breaches originating from compromised IoT devices. These connected endpoints range from smart home devices to industrial sensors. They are often inadequately secured. This provides cyber criminals with entry points to exploit vulnerabilities within networks.

7. Critical Infrastructure in the Crosshairs

Critical infrastructure has become a target of choice for cyber attackers. This includes energy grids, water supplies, and transportation systems. The potential consequences of a successful breach in these sectors are often financial. But that’s not all. They can also extend to public safety and national security. As cyber threats evolve, safeguarding critical infrastructure has become an urgent imperative.

8. The Role of Nation-State Actors

Geopolitical tensions have spilled into the digital realm. Nation-state actors are increasingly playing a role in sophisticated cyber campaigns. These actors are often driven by political motives. They use advanced techniques to compromise sensitive data and disrupt operations. This is to advance their strategic interests in the global cyber landscape.

9. The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Cybersecurity

The surge in data breaches underscores the need to rethink cybersecurity strategies. It’s no longer a question of if an organization will be targeted but when. Proactive measures include:

  • Robust cybersecurity frameworks
  • Continuous monitoring
  • A culture of cyber awareness

These are essential for mitigating the risks posed by evolving cyber threats.

10. Collaboration and Information Sharing

Collaboration among organizations and information sharing within the cybersecurity community are critical. Especially as cyber threats become more sophisticated. Threat intelligence sharing enables a collective defense against common adversaries. This allows organizations to proactively fortify their defenses. They do this based on insights gained from the broader cybersecurity landscape.

Protect Your Business from Devastating Data Breaches

The surge in data breaches in 2023 serves as a stark reminder. It reminds us of the evolving and pervasive nature of cyber threats. There is an urgent need for heightened cybersecurity awareness and robust defensive measures. As well as a commitment to adapt to the ever-changing tactics of cybercriminals.

Need help protecting your business? Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

How Could Your Business Be Impacted by the New SEC Cybersecurity Requirements?

Cybersecurity has become paramount for businesses across the globe. As technology advances, so do the threats. Recognizing this, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has introduced new rules. They revolve around cybersecurity. These new requirements are set to significantly impact businesses.

These rules are a response to the growing sophistication of cyber threats. As well as the need for companies to safeguard their sensitive information.

Let’s delve into the key aspects of these new SEC regulations. We’ll review what they are and discuss how they may affect your business.

Understanding the New SEC Cybersecurity Requirements

The SEC’s new cybersecurity rules emphasize the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures. These are for businesses operating in the digital landscape. One of the central requirements is the timely reporting of cybersecurity incidents. The other is the disclosure of comprehensive cybersecurity programs.

The rules impact U.S. registered companies. As well as foreign private issuers registered with the SEC.

Reporting of Cybersecurity Incidents

The first rule is the disclosure of cybersecurity incidents deemed to be “material.” Companies disclose these on a new item 1.05 of Form 8-K.

Companies have a time limit for disclosure. This is within four days of the determination that an incident is material. The company should disclose the nature, scope, and timing of the impact. It also must include the material impact of the breach. One exception to the rule is where disclosure poses a national safety or security risk.

Disclosure of Cybersecurity Protocols

This rule requires extra information that companies must report. They report this on their annual Form 10-K filing.

The extra information companies must disclose includes:

  • Their processes for assessing, identifying, and managing material risks from cybersecurity threats.
  • Risks from cyber threats that have or are likely to materially affect the company
  • The board of directors’ oversight of cybersecurity risks
  • Management’s role and expertise in assessing and managing cybersecurity threats.

Potential Impact on Your Business

Is your business subject to these new SEC cybersecurity requirements? If it is, then it may be time for another cybersecurity assessment. Penetration tests and cybersecurity assessments identify gaps in your protocols. They help companies reduce the risk of cyber incidents and compliance failures.

Here are some of the potential areas of impact on businesses from these new SEC rules.

  1. Increased Compliance Burden

Businesses will now face an increased compliance burden. This is as they work to align their cybersecurity policies with the new SEC requirements. This might cause a significant overhaul of existing practices, policies, and technologies. Ensuring compliance will likely mean a large amount of time and resources. This impacts both large corporations and smaller businesses

  1. Focus on Incident Response

The new regulations underscore the importance of incident response plans. Businesses will need to invest in robust protocols. These are protocols to detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity incidents promptly. This includes having clear procedures for notifying regulatory authorities, customers, and stakeholders. This would be a notification in the event of a data breach.

  1. Heightened Emphasis on Vendor Management

Companies often rely on third-party vendors for various services. The SEC’s new rules emphasize the need for businesses to assess vendor practices. Meaning, how vendors handle cybersecurity. This shift in focus necessitates a comprehensive review. That review should be of existing vendor relationships. It may mean finding more secure alternatives.

  1. Impact on Investor Confidence

Cybersecurity breaches can erode investor confidence and damage a company’s reputation. With the SEC’s spotlight on cybersecurity, investors are likely to take note. This includes scrutinizing businesses’ security measures more closely. Companies with robust cybersecurity programs may instill greater confidence among investors. This can potentially lead to increased investments and shareholder trust.

  1. Innovation in Cybersecurity Technologies

As businesses strive to meet the new SEC requirements, they will seek innovation. There is bound to be a surge in the demand for advanced cybersecurity solutions. This increased demand could foster a wave of innovation in the cybersecurity sector. This could lead to the development of more effective cyber protection solutions.

The SEC Rules Bring Challenges, but Also Possibilities

The new SEC cybersecurity requirements mark a significant milestone. This is a milestone in the ongoing battle against cyber threats. While these regulations pose challenges, they also present opportunities. The opportunities are for businesses to strengthen their cybersecurity posture. As well as enhancing customer trust, and fostering investor confidence.

By embracing these changes proactively, companies can meet regulatory expectations. They can also fortify their defenses against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Adapting to these regulations will be crucial in ensuring long-term success. As well as the resilience of your business.

Need Help with Data Security Compliance?

When it comes to ensuring compliance with cybersecurity rules, it’s best to have an IT pro by your side. We know the ins and outs of compliance and can help you meet requirements affordably.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

Email safety: Firewalls and antivirus are great

Email safety: Firewalls and antivirus are great, but what about your employees

The Verizon Data Breach Investigations report states that emails are the primary source of two-thirds of malware. Email is an easy target simply because there is more human touch involved in the case of emails. There’s always a stray chance that someone will end up clicking on a phishing link or downloading the wrong attachment or simply including sensitive, confidential information in an unencrypted email. The first step to securing your email systems is training your employees. Train your employees to identify harmful email messages and to be aware of your firm’s IT protocols and rules. There are 4 major ways in which your employees may end up compromising your email security. These are

  • Falling for phishing scams: These emails will appear to have come from an authentic source and urge the reader to take an action. Usually the action involves clicking on a link and/or sharing sensitive information via an online form that looks authentic. The phishing links and the webpage clone the original site so well that it is easy to mistake them for their authentic counterparts. For example- an email that looks as if it is from the IRS, asking for sensitive financial data, or an email that seems to be from the bank asking you to log into your account, etc.
  • Mistaking hacked emails to be authentic ones: These emails are actually from an authentic sender account, but their account may have been hacked. One of the ways to spot such email messages is if ‘something feels amiss’. For example, an email that’s ridden with typos, spelling and grammar errors, or if the writing style is different, or includes an unexplained instruction to download an attachment, fill a form or install a patch.
  • Not following strict password hygiene: There are 2 angles to this. First is password sharing. Sharing passwords indiscriminately puts your email systems at risk. Often, people trust their coworkers and end up sharing system or email passwords without realizing the possible consequences. Sometimes, it is just so much easier to share the password than follow the protocol. For example, Bob from sales is too busy to prepare his commission report. So, he gives his password to Lisa from accounting so she can calculate his commission for the month and Lisa shares with her team so they can work on the reports. See…before you know it 3 other people apart from Bob have access to his system including his emails!

    The second issue in password hygiene pertains to ignoring password basics. For example, having passwords that are too simple or obvious such as dictionary words, names, etc. or not changing passwords as recommended or having the same password for multiple accounts.

  • Exposing their own devices to safety threats and then using them for work purposes due to the BYOD environment: This is a threat brought into the picture due to the flexibility-oriented culture of the modern workplace. Businesses allow their employees to work from anywhere, using their own devices. For example, someone could be accessing and replying to an email from work, using their phone or iPad, connected to the open wifi at the mall’s food court. The risk such open networks bring to the table is unimaginable.

As discussed in the beginning of this blog, emails are a soft target because of the human element. You can organize classroom training sessions to educate your employees about your IT usage policies related to password management, use of personal devices, data sharing and internet access. You can also conduct IT drills and workshops to help your employees identify possible IT security threats and steer clear of those. If you don’t have the resources to do this, check with a MSP in your area. They might be able to help.

How Can You Leverage the New MS Teams Payment App?

Are you a small business owner or a freelancer who offers services online? If so, you might be wondering how to get paid by your customers in a fast and convenient way. You might have tried different payment platforms. But they often require you to switch between different apps or websites. This can be time-consuming and confusing.

There is now another option to streamline the payment process. Microsoft has launched the Teams Payments app. This is a new feature that allows you to request and receive payments from your customers. You do it within Microsoft Teams meetings.

The Teams Payments app is currently available in the United States and Canada. Subscribers to Teams Essentials and Microsoft 365 Business get it at no charge.

How Does the Teams Payment App Work?

The Teams Payments app is simple to use. You can get the app from the Microsoft AppStore. You add it to your Teams account and connect it to your preferred payment service. You can choose from:

  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • GoDaddy

Once you have set up the app, you can start requesting payments from your customers in Teams meetings.

How Do You Send a Payment Request?

To send a payment request, you just need to open the meeting chat. Then, select the Payments icon from the messaging extensions. Then, you can fill out a simple form. It includes the amount, currency, description, and recipients of your request.

You can send the same request to several people if you want. The app will generate a card that shows the status of each payment, whether it is unpaid or paid.

Meeting chat

Image credit: Microsoft

Your customers will see the same card in their meeting chat. They can click on the Pay Now button to complete their payment. The system will redirect them to the payment service that you have connected to the app. There, they can enter their payment details and confirm their transaction.

Once they have done that, they will see a confirmation message in the chat. You will receive a notification that your payment has been processed.


Image credit: Microsoft

Benefits of Using the Teams Payment App

The Teams Payments app has many benefits. Both for small businesses and freelancers who offer online services. Here are some of them:

It saves time and hassle.

You don’t need to switch between different apps or websites. You can easily request and receive payments from your customers. You can do everything within Teams meetings. This makes it more convenient and efficient for both parties.

It increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Your customers will appreciate the ease of paying you through Teams meetings. They don’t need to create an account or download an app to pay you. They can complete their transaction in a few clicks right inside the meeting.

It boosts your revenue and cash flow.

You can get paid faster and more securely by using the Teams Payments app. You don’t need to wait for invoices or checks to clear. You can receive your money within minutes of completing a service. Either directly into your bank account or PayPal account.

It enhances your professional image and credibility.

You can show your customers that you are using a reliable and trusted payment platform. One built by a well-known company that has been a technology leader for decades. You can also add a seller policy to your payment requests. Here you can specify your terms and conditions, cancellation policy, refund policy, etc.

It helps you keep track of payments.

Keeping track of payments is crucial for financial management. With the Teams Payments App, you can track transactions in real-time. You’ll receive instant notifications for successful payments. It will help you maintain a comprehensive record of your financial interactions.

It’s seamlessly integrated with Microsoft 365.

The Teams Payments App seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365. You can leverage the power of Microsoft’s ecosystem. Using it to manage your communications, collaborations, and payments together. No need for more logins or complicated setups – it’s all within one platform.

It increases productivity.

Efficiency is the key to productivity. You reduce the time spent on payment-related tasks by integrating Payments into Teams. This efficiency translates into increased productivity. It allows you and your team to focus on core business activities and driving growth.

The Teams Payments app marks a significant leap in digital business transactions. By leveraging this powerful tool, you’re simplifying payments. You’re also enhancing customer experiences, ensuring data security, and boosting productivity.

We Can Help You Get More Out of Microsoft 365

The Teams Payments app is a great way to simplify and streamline your payment process. It can help you save time, increase customer satisfaction, and boost revenue.

Need help with this or other Microsoft 365 tools? Our experts can work with you to help you make the most out of your Microsoft subscription.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

Beware of These 2024 Emerging Technology Threats

The global cost of a data breach last year was USD $4.45 million. This is an increase of 15% over three years. As we step into 2024, it’s crucial to be aware of emerging technology threats. Ones that could potentially disrupt and harm your business.

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace. It’s bringing new opportunities and challenges for businesses and individuals alike. Not all technology is benign. Some innovations can pose serious threats to our digital security, privacy, and safety.

In this article, we’ll highlight some emerging technology threats to be aware of in 2024 and beyond.

Data Poisoning Attacks

Data poisoning involves corrupting datasets used to train AI models. By injecting malicious data, attackers can skew algorithms’ outcomes. This could lead to incorrect decisions in critical sectors like healthcare or finance. Some actions are vital in countering this insidious threat. These include protecting training data integrity and implementing robust validation mechanisms.

Businesses should use AI-generated data cautiously. It should be heavily augmented by human intelligence and data from other sources.

5G Network Vulnerabilities

The widespread adoption of 5G technology introduces new attack surfaces. With an increased number of connected devices, the attack vector broadens. IoT devices, reliant on 5G networks, might become targets for cyberattacks. Securing these devices and implementing strong network protocols is imperative. Especially to prevent large-scale attacks.

Ensure your business has a robust mobile device management strategy. Mobile is taking over much of the workload Organizations should properly track and manage how these devices access business data.

Quantum Computing Vulnerabilities

Quantum computing, the herald of unprecedented computational power, also poses a threat. Its immense processing capabilities could crack currently secure encryption methods. Hackers might exploit this power to access sensitive data. This emphasizes the need for quantum-resistant encryption techniques to safeguard digital information.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Manipulation

AI, while transformative, can be manipulated. Cybercriminals might exploit AI algorithms to spread misinformation. They are already creating convincing deepfakes and automating phishing attacks. Vigilance is essential as AI-driven threats become more sophisticated. It demands robust detection mechanisms to discern genuine from malicious AI-generated content.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Exploits

AR and VR technologies offer immersive experiences. But they also present new vulnerabilities. Cybercriminals might exploit these platforms to deceive users, leading to real-world consequences.

Ensuring the security of AR and VR applications is crucial. Especially to prevent user manipulation and privacy breaches. This is very true in sectors like gaming, education, and healthcare.

Ransomware Evolves

Ransomware attacks have evolved beyond simple data encryption. Threat actors now use double extortion tactics. They steal sensitive data before encrypting files. If victims refuse to pay, hackers leak or sell this data, causing reputational damage.

Some defenses against this evolved ransomware threat include:

  • Robust backup solutions
  • Regular cybersecurity training
  • Proactive threat hunting

Supply Chain Attacks Persist

Supply chain attacks remain a persistent threat. Cybercriminals infiltrate third-party vendors or software providers to compromise larger targets. Strengthening supply chain cybersecurity is critical in preventing cascading cyber incidents. Businesses can do this through rigorous vendor assessments, multi-factor authentication, and continuous monitoring.

Biometric Data Vulnerability

Biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, are becoming commonplace. But users can’t change biometric data once compromised, like they can passwords. Protect biometric data through secure encryption. Ensure that service providers follow strict privacy regulations. These are paramount to preventing identity theft and fraud.

Advanced Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are one of the oldest and most common forms of cyberattacks. These attacks are becoming more sophisticated and targeted thanks to AI. For example, hackers customize spear phishing attacks to a specific individual or organization. They do this based on online personal or professional information.

Another example is vishing attacks. These use voice calls or voice assistants to impersonate legitimate entities. They convincingly persuade victims to take certain actions.

Ongoing employee phishing training is vital. As well as automated solutions to detect and defend against phishing threats.

Tips for Defending Against These Threats

As technology evolves, so do the threats that we face. Thus, it’s important to be vigilant and proactive. Here are some tips that can help:

  • Educate yourself and others about the latest technology threats.
  • Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication for all online accounts.
  • Update your software and devices regularly to fix any security vulnerabilities.
  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments in emails or messages.
  • Verify the identity and legitimacy of any callers or senders. Do this before providing any information or taking any actions.
  • Back up your data regularly to prevent data loss in case of a cyberattack.
  • Invest in a reliable cyber insurance policy. One that covers your specific needs and risks.
  • Report any suspicious or malicious activity to the relevant authorities.

Need Help Ensuring Your Cybersecurity is Ready for 2024?

Last year’s solutions might not be enough to protect against this year’s threats. Don’t leave your security at risk. We can help you with a thorough cybersecurity assessment, so you know where you stand.

Contact us today to schedule a chat.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

14 Helpful Tips for New Year Digital Decluttering

These days, our lives are intricately woven into the digital fabric. From emails to photos, documents to apps, our devices store tons of information. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the sight of an endless inbox or app library.

As the new year begins, it’s the perfect time for a digital declutter. A clean and organized digital environment can help you improve your productivity. It also reduces stress. Here are some practical tips to help you declutter your digital space.

1. Start with a digital inventory

Before diving in, assess your digital landscape. Take stock of your devices, accounts, and digital files. Knowing what you have is the first step toward effective decluttering.

2. Focus on your most-used digital spaces

You don’t have to declutter everything at once. Start with the digital spaces that you use the most. Such as your email, cloud storage, and social media. These are the places where digital clutter can accumulate. As well as affect your performance and well-being.

Also, focus on your primary devices. Like your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Decluttering these devices will have an immediate impact on your daily life.

3. Organize your files and folders

One of the best ways to declutter your digital space is to organize your files and folders. Create a systematic file organization structure. Use clear, intuitive folder names and categorize files logically. Use color coding to quickly identify specific subjects. This makes locating documents easier and prevents clutter from accumulating.

Delete or archive any files that you don’t need anymore. Back up your important data to a cloud service or an external drive.

4. Clean up your email inbox

Your email inbox can be a source of stress and distraction. Especially if it’s overflowing with unread or unwanted messages.

To declutter your email inbox, you can:

  • Unsubscribe from newsletters or promotional emails that you don’t read or need.
  • Use filters or labels to sort your emails by sender, subject, or priority.
  • Archive or delete old or irrelevant emails.
  • Set up a folder or label for the current year, quarter, or month, and move your emails there.
  • Refresh your email signature and make sure it has your correct information.

5. Clean up your social media

Social media can be a great way to connect with others. But it can also be a source of digital clutter. Especially if you have too many accounts, posts, messages, or notifications.

To declutter your social media accounts, you can:

  • Delete or deactivate any accounts that you don’t use or need.
  • Unfollow or mute any accounts that don’t add value to your life.
  • Clear your message inboxes and delete any spam or unwanted messages.
  • Delete or archive any posts or photos that you don’t want to keep.
  • Adjust your privacy and notification settings to suit your preferences.

6. Review your subscriptions

Another way to declutter your digital space is to review your subscriptions. You may have signed up for services that you don’t use or need anymore. Cancel any subscriptions that you don’t need. These may include streaming services, membership sites, cloud services, or mobile apps.

This decluttering move can help you save money besides streamlining your digital environment.

7. Review and delete unused apps

Apps can clutter your device and drain its resources. Review your apps and delete the ones you seldom use. Keep only essential applications to optimize device performance.

Old, unused mobile apps can also pose a security risk. If you’re not using the app, it’s likely outdated. Update any apps that you’re keeping to properly secure them.

8. Clear your desktop and downloads folder

A cluttered desktop and downloads folder can hamper productivity. Move files to appropriate folders and clear your desktop. This creates a clean, distraction-free workspace. It can also speed up your computer.

9. Secure your digital identity

Review your online accounts. Delete unused accounts and update passwords for security. Consider using a reputable password manager to enhance your online security.

10. Evaluate your digital habits

Reflect on your digital habits. Identify time-wasting activities and limit them. Set boundaries for social media and focus on meaningful online interactions.

11. Create digital detox days

Set up specific days for a digital detox. Disconnect from screens. Engage in physical activities and spend quality time with loved ones. Regular digital detox fosters mental well-being.

12. Streamline notifications

Excessive notifications can overwhelm and distract. You may feel like you’re not getting anything done because of constant interruptions. Customize app notifications, allowing only essential alerts. This minimizes distractions and enhances focus.

13. Invest in digital tools

Use productivity apps and tools. Project management apps, note-taking tools, and calendars help streamline tasks and enhance efficiency.

14. Practice regular maintenance

Digital decluttering is not a one-time task. It’s an ongoing process. Schedule regular maintenance sessions to keep your digital life organized and clutter-free.

Need Help with Data Management Solutions?

Here’s to stepping into the new year with a clear, focused mind and a more organized digital life. We can help you keep your data under control. We offer effective data storage, backup, and management solutions.

Contact us today to schedule a chat.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.